One on One Sessions
I had Nearly Lost All Hope
My four year old daughter has suffered with neuropsychiatric, sensory and numerous physical symptoms from birth. Traditional modalities only seemed to worsen her symptoms and three years of intensive integrative medicine, targeted nutrient therapy, and biomed resulted in very few gains.
Finally when I had nearly lost all hope, we were led to Sheridan.
Sheridan does work for my daughter that frankly I formerly would not have understood but I now have a strong appreciation of Sheridan’s work as I have seen the truly amazing results of her work for my daughter.
Sheridan has identified root causes of my daughter’s challenges that NO medical test could have picked up. She has also helped clear these same root causes giving my daughter and my whole family a new lease on life!
I have observed major shifts and gains for my daughter precisely when Sheridan has done energy work for her. In addition to the energy work that she does virtually (she is in California and we are in Ohio), Sheridan has provided me with a wealth of resources so that I can learn how to assist my family in having healthy energy boundaries.
Sheridan has developed tremendous skills which she has nurtured in order to help so many families.
I hope that more families with children who suffer from autism spectrum disorders, neuropsychiatric issues or any other manifestation of symptoms will be lead to Sheridan. Her work continues to change our lives for the better!
– Tiffany
I Reacted Calmly when My Child Accidently Hit Me
Hi, Sheridan!
I wanted to quickly share with you a really great experience I had today using the light switch technique and neutrality.
We took the opportunity today to head up into the mountains to have a family bbq. My teenage daughter isn’t always receptive to interacting with me in a playful way, but she was in that kind of mood today so I was enjoying that!
She doesn’t really enjoy physical affection usually, but with the happy mood she was in I at one point went in for a hug.
I guess I surprised her too much and she flung her hand out in a protective (or overprotective…) motion.
She hit me on the cheek harder than she meant to and I had to walk away because I felt like I was going to burst into tears.
After walking for a few minutes, I realized I was spinning and that the main feeling I was having was the feeling of hurt – both physically hurt and also emotionally as I felt sad that she was rejecting my attempt at physical affection once again.
So, I went through the light switch technique (although I had to imagine a light switch since I was out in nature without one! 😉
I gave that feeling of hurt to God and then imagined how it would feel to just feel neutral about the situation.
I knew I couldn’t get to feeling something like excited or joyful about what had just happened, but I was totally able to get to neutral.
And then I was able to pretty quickly move to amused, which totally helped diffuse the negative emotions that had been building in me.
If I had returned to my family without these techniques,
I think I would have acted out of a place of sadness and hurt and ruined the mood in the group, but instead I was able to go back and laugh about it with my daughter.
So that was a MAJOR win!!
– Maile
Still in Awe Over a Month Later at the Positive Changes
My son has struggled his whole life (5.5 years) with behavioral/anger issues. As a family, we tended to see him as a saboteur to everything and treated him that way. I sensed that there was so much more to him and that he was actually very sensitive and loving. It seemed, though, that there were precious few who ever saw that side of him. It was exhausting to deal with him every day and our family was suffering.
I talked with Sheridan about him and we were both sure that he had birth issues that needed to be cleared.
Boy did he! After Sheridan’s session with him the change was obvious and immediate. He was playing with cousins at the time and came in the house crying after getting his feelings hurt. He wanted me to just hold him for the next hour!
His normal response would have been rage and an inability to express why he was upset which would have carried on to a grudge for hours.
Over a month later I am still in awe of the change that has come over him. He spontaneously asks for hugs and is talking about his feelings.
He has set goals for himself to control his anger, which is still a part, though now minor, of his personality.
I am so thankful to Sheridan for helping my sweet boy come to life and changing the environment in my whole family. What a miracle!
– Patti
Finally Broke Free from Wallowing in Grief for Many Years
I worked with a few therapists before Sheridan.
They definitely helped me, but Sheridan got me unstuck from a place I had been wallowing in for several years. She has great energy, she’s a wonderful listener and she has techniques that work!
It has honestly been life changing working with Sheridan and I’m forever grateful for her and how she’s using her God-given talents and blessings to bless the lives of others.
– Lauri
Always More Aware and Have a Better Plan to Move Forward after a Session
I always leave an emotion clearing having a deeper understanding of myself, having had supported guided time to self reflect and become more self aware but also give myself grace and create a plan to better care for my self while honoring my goals and values.
I usually feel mentally and emotionally lighter after an emotion clearing session within 24 hours.
It is always worth trying different modalities of healing and self exploration.
Sheridan has many options to choose from, so you can find the one that works for where you are in your journey.
Sheridan has a natural gift for supporting others with energetic style coaching and clearing.
She has chosen to hone this gift into multiple modalities to support people in various ways/ with various needs.
She has educated herself on many topics and teachings that support her practice.
– M.
Able to Move On, Completely Healed from the Pain
I met with Sheridan after a good friend recommended me to her.
I had felt very strongly that there was a son who wanted to join our family. I had talked and waited for years and my husband had kept saying no. I felt like this person who wasn’t even a physical being was just as real as my two living daughters. I was devastated and it was ruining me And my marriage.
Sheridan was able tune in and share about some attachments and family patterns and history. She helped acknowledge and balance some of the energy.
Now it was not immediate but over the next several weeks things did begin shifting. I can now say that I feel good about my relationships and accept my circumstances with grace and love. I was able to move on and feel completely healed of that pain I carried with every heart beat.
I feel very good about the direction my life has taken and feel very blessed to have met with Sheridan.
– Summer
Helped More than All the Years of Therapy
Working with Sheridan has changed my life. I am more free and clear now of all of the emotional baggage from the past. I have been able to move past old patterns and into a more positive way of living. I am better able to access the skills and knowledge I have now that old beliefs and imbalances aren’t getting in the way.
Energy work has helped me more than all of the years in talk therapy. Sheridan has also done energy work on my children and they have greatly benefited.
Sheridan is insightful, intuitive, non judgmental, and spiritually connected. She has a gentle way of guiding while respecting everyone’s own path.
– Loralie
Discovered Cause of Mysterious Rash, that Two Different Doctors had Tried to Help
Sheridan has been doing energy work on my family and I for three years now. We have had much success from healing current illness to releasing generations of emotional damage.
She once was able to find the cause of a rash my young daughter had. This was especially telling of the benefits of her work because we had taken her to two different doctors who couldn’t give me any reason/cause for the rash. Sheridan muscle tested that there was something in the carpet that was causing the rash. At this time this daughter would come into my room at night and sleep on our carpet in our room. We laid a sleeping bag and pillow down so her skin wouldn’t be exposed to the carpet and her rash went away!
Another great experience is when my 9 year old was struggling in school. She was having a hard time comprehending. Sheridan did some energy work on her brain and found generational disabilities that was limiting her ability to comprehend. She released that disabling energy and that same day I noticed improvement. My daughter did her homework all on her own that night and hasn’t looked back!
– Angela
I would recommend her to anyone
I have met many life coaches, energy workers, therapists, etc.
I really love Sheridan’s method of working with her clients. Something about the simplicity, I think, is what really makes me like her a lot! In my first session, at the close she gave me a few simple instructions that I felt confident about and comfortable with as solutions and tools that could replace or fix my challenges.
I would recommend her to anyone seeking to release negative patterns and embrace light and truth.
I love that she spoke matter of fatly about the spiritual aspect of things and worked to help me accomplish my goals.
– Mylie
Text and E-mail Sessions
Significantly Reduced My Daughters Fear
The session significantly reduced my daughters fear of loud toilet flushing sounds and using public restrooms. She still doesn’t like the noise but she willingly uses the potty without adult support and just calmly verbally tells me she doesn’t like it instead of breaking down or becoming hysterical or running away.
Sheridan is very talented and was able to help my daughters anxiety.
– E.
Getting to the Root Cause Gives Your Whole Mind, Body and Spirit a Chance to Heal
Sheridan has an amazing gift that she so generously shares with others, and I love that she has been able to help me determine what modality to use for almost any ailment my family has experienced.
She has facilitated improvement in my husband’s digestive issues by releasing trapped emotions from his childhood. She has also done energy work on my children, with great results.
And what’s so convenient is that she has been able to do her energy work for our family by email, text, or in person. And it’s truly amazing how so much of our family’s ailments are caused by trapped emotions, which truly gets to the ROOT cause of the issue and gives your whole mind, body, and spirit a chance to heal.
– Shannon
Able to Find and Clear Things Quickly
Sheridan is a skilled energy worker and has multiple modalities to call on to help assist her clients with their needs. I’m impressed with her ability to find and clear things quickly and give suggestions on things that would be helpful that you can do on your own.
If you are unsure about working with Sheridan, Just go for it. She has the skills and abilities to help.
– Amber
A Great Resource
I am very careful and particular with who I choose and allow to work on me. I enjoyed experiencing Sheridan’s gifts and knowledge. I also enjoyed seeing someone else’s professionalism and how they do this work.
Sheridan has a lot of experience and knowledge. She is a great resource to have help in receiving the necessary work your body and spirit need.
I loved that she worked on something in my session and then provide videos she created to help me do what she did!
Thank you Sheridan! I really appreciated your session!
– Asia
Complete Energetic Reset
My Son is More Tolerant and Happy
My son isn’t as hostile as he has been this last 6 months.
He is more tolerant and happy.
Thank you!
– Allison
Chakra Meridian Reset
Noticing The Light is Beginning to Shine Again
I did feel a shift towards the positive which is what I needed.
I was listening to a workshop this morning on emotions, and the facilitator said this is how she described herself. “I hid in the shadows of my own life.”
That resonated with me and I am noticing the light, just beginning to shine again. I feel lighter.
– Suzy